Three practical skills to use Jinshan T disk


Jinshan T disk high-intensity encryption, multi-channel backup, automatic synchronization and other functions let everyone feel the charm of cloud storage, 1TB mass storage is to make everyone ecstatic. I want to use the Jinshan T disk to pay attention to skills, the author will share with you the three Jinshan T disk practical tips.

First, close some of the synchronization folder to save hard disk space

Jinshan T disk provides 1TB massive storage space, but most of the user's computer hard disk is less than 1TB, which brings a problem. If you sync all the files, it is likely to fill the hard drive. In fact, the Jinshan T disk has long considered this problem, reducing the occupation of the local hard disk space by turning off the synchronization of some directories.

Synchronize Folder

Move the mouse pointer to the icon of “Jinshan T Disk” in the system tray in the lower right corner of the desktop, click the right mouse button, and the shortcut will pop up. Select "Settings" in the menu, open the "Settings" window, switch to the "Sync" tab, click the "Select" button, the "Sync to Local Folder" window will pop up, you will not need to sync to the local folder in front of the selection box Remove the "√" and click the "OK" button to save the settings (Figure 1). The files in these directories will not be downloaded to the local hard disk. The file changes in these directories will not be synchronized to the server. This will save hard disk space and store more files in the cloud than the local hard disk space. .

Second, limit upload and download speed, reasonable allocation of network bandwidth

Jinshan T disk file synchronization is completed by uploading and downloading, uploading and downloading will occupy a certain network bandwidth, high-speed upload and download will Affect the network speed, you can allocate network bandwidth reasonably by controlling the upload and download speed.

Upload and download speed limit

Open the "Settings" window, switch to the "Network" tab, and "Do not limit the upload and download speed" in front of the "√" "Remove, then set the maximum speed for uploading and downloading, and finally click the "OK" button to save the settings (Figure 2). In this way, you can control the uploading and downloading speed of the Jinshan T disk, and allocate network bandwidth resources reasonably. Even if the Jinshan T disk synchronizes files, it does not affect the user browsing the webpage.

Third, completely delete the virtual hard disk, release the occupied space

Install the Jinshan T disk, it will generate a virtual hard disk named "Jinshan T disk", stored in the virtual hard disk Files take up hard disk space. If your hard disk space is tight, after the file synchronization is completed, you can completely delete the virtual hard disk and free up the occupied space.

Open the "Settings" window, switch to the "Virtual Hard Disk" tab, click "Exit Account, completely delete the local virtual hard disk", pop-up message box, click the "OK" button (Figure 3) , the virtual hard disk can be completely deleted, and the occupied hard disk space is released.

Delete virtual hard disk

The author and everyone shared the practical skills to use Jinshan T disk. Reasonable use of these tips can effectively save hard disk space and allocate reasonably. Network bandwidth, Jinshan T disk skills are still a lot, I look forward to everyone to explore.

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