Win10 10122 two tips for creating a local account

After upgrading to the Win10 10122 preview, I found it difficult to use a local account on this preview. Microsoft seems to deliberately guide users to use Microsoft accounts to hide the creation channels of local accounts. The following small series will reveal two tips for Win10 to create a local account.

My account & rdquo; link, so users seem to have to use a Microsoft account in the case of networking. But this is only a superficial phenomenon. There are two ways to “crack” & rdquo; Microsoft's “Blind Eyes”.
1, select “My organization&Return to the previous device owner selection page, if you select “My organization", click “Next” will find the creation of a local account link.

2, intentionally enter the wrong password
If you do not want to choose "My Organization", after selecting an individual user, you will be transferred to the login page. At this point you can enter the wrong account password and a link to create a local account will appear one or two times.

Microsoft's move is understandable. After all, Win10 was originally designed for multi-screen Internet environments. However, in some cases, local accounts are still of high importance.

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