Network link issue update driver

        A network adapter driver is software that a computer uses to communicate with a wireless network adapter. Outdated, incompatible, or corrupted network adapter drivers can block network connections or cause intermittent disconnections.

If you have recently upgraded the Windows version, the current network adapter driver may apply to previous versions of Windows. If you have recently experienced a power outage, virus, or other computer problem, the driver may be corrupted. Downloading and installing the latest network adapter drivers may resolve the above types of issues.

following are three methods for finding and installing a driver:

1. Use WindowsUpdate. You may need to set up WindowsUpdate to automatically download and install the recommended updates. Install any important, recommended, and optional updates to update system features and other software (may be helpful in fixing network connectivity issues).

2. Install the software provided by the equipment manufacturer. For example, if your computer or network adapter has a CD, this CD might contain software for installing drivers for your network adapter.

3. Download and install the driver yourself. You can search for drivers on the manufacturer's website. If Windows Update cannot find a driver for your network adapter and the adapter does not come with software to install the driver, try this.

more information about the updated network adapter driver, follow the following applies to the Windows version of the steps on your computer. For information about network adapters that are compatible with Windows, go to the Windows Compatible Center. eight hundred million net

A. use WindowsUpdate to update the driver

B. yourself to download and install the driver
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