What should I do if the win10 system virtual machine cannot be full screen?

In today's Win10 system usage tutorial, we will bring you a solution that cannot be full screen after the virtual machine is installed with Win10 system. Many users will install the Win10 system in the virtual machine. In order to make the virtual machine display more like the Win10 system, many users will set it to full screen, making the display look more realistic. However, there are some Win10 system users who say: Win10 system can't be full screen, what should you do?

Win10 system
1, make sure the VM virtual machine version is the latest version, check VM Tools has been installed correctly;
2, virtual machine-set-monitor-display using Retina resolution;
Virtual machine window can not be adjusted normally, generally VM Tools has problems, if the above method still can not be solved If the virtual machine is running Win10 and cannot be full screen, you can reinstall VM Tools.

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