Win10 system input method can not switch the solution

We know that Win10 system input method switching, you can use the shortcut key Ctrl + space. However, some users of the win10 system reported that after pressing the group shortcut, the Win10 system input method did not respond, and the Win10 system input method could not be switched. So, Win10 system can not switch the input method how to do it? Xiao Bian a look at solutions to share with the Win10 system can not switch the input method!

input method
Win10 system can not switch the input method Solution:
1. Although many people see input methods here, they can't switch;
2. You can enter from the control panel to make settings;
3. Or set in the language bar;
4. You can change the button to try;
5. Some people have installed the input method;
6. But this place is not set;
7. Finally, this place can not only set the input method to switch !
The above is all the contents of the Win10 input method can not be switched, as long as the Win10 input method switching shortcuts are reset, you can use Ctrl + space to switch the input method.

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