Win10 mouse can not open the right border of the screen solution

Some users have reported that after upgrading their computer to Win10, the win10 system can't open the win10 system sidebar in the win10 system. How can this be done to open the win10 screen corner navigation? Below, let the small Edited for everyone to bring Win10 mouse can not open the screen right border solution.

Win10 still retains some of the features in the sidebar, but it is relatively hidden, probably because simple and easy return to the Start menu, sidebar Win10 system gave hidden.
win10 system sidebar open method:
1, open Win10 desktop, click [Win] + [C] combination shortcuts to open the right side of the bar, the effect shown above.

2, use: just click above the keyboard Win + C key combination is also possible, that is, in one hand and press the Win key, click on the other hand C key on the keyboard on the line.
Visible on the right side of the screen, the function of the operating system is faster. If the user can't open the corner navigation by using the mouse in the win10 system, try the shortcut key combination "Win+C" to open it. I hope the tutorial is correct. Users who have a feature that cannot be opened for use are helpful.

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