How to delete the extra address bar on the Win10 taskbar?


Sometimes the Win10 system taskbar suddenly has an address bar. What is going on? I really don't want to use this address bar, because it destroys the integrity of the taskbar, how to remove the address bar on the Win10 taskbar?

Removing the taskbar method

1. Right click on the blank space of the taskbar;

2. After popping up the right-click menu, select “Tools” Menu, we unchecked the "Address Bar" in it.

In the Windows operating system can be put in the address of a taskbar address bar, user can directly enter the URL to open a Web page, without having to launch a browser, the default browser for the win10 Edge.

The above is the way to remove the address bar on the Win10 taskbar. The method is very simple, that is, some users can't find the path.

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