Where is the Win10 task view open? Win10 task view shortcuts


Task view is a new feature in Win10 that allows users to quickly switch between multitasking, quickly close applications, and so on. You can also create a new task view desktop, which is very helpful for improving the efficiency of computer operations. However, many computer enthusiasts still don't know where the Win10 task view is, how to open it, etc., the computer Pepsi net small series will be introduced in detail.

Where is the Win10 task view?

A new Win10 friend can find a "Win10 Task View" button on the right side of the "Search Web and Windows" search box on the bottom of the Win10 taskbar. Click this button to open the Win10 task view. As shown.

How to open the Win10 task view?

There are two ways to open the Win10 task view. One is to open the "Task View" button in the area between the taskbars at the bottom of the desktop. In addition, you can quickly open it with the Win10 task view shortcut.

Win10 Task View Shortcuts: Windows + Tab Combination Shortcuts

The specific method of operation is to simultaneously open the task view by holding down the Windows and Tab keys in the middle of Ctrl and Alt on the keyboard. Win10 users may wish to try.

In general, the Win10 task view is very simple to open. If you need to exit the task view, you can exit it in the empty area with a click of the mouse.

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