Win7 IIS 7 installation configuration and file graphic tutorial


Win7 IIS7 installation and configuration:

Installation method

1: Installation through the user interface 1. Click “ Start ”/“Control Panel”/“Program", select “turn on or turn off Windows features”.

2. In the Windows Features dialog box, select <;Internet Information Services"

3. Click “OK>, then Windows Vista will start the IIS installation process. ;

Note that if you install with the above steps, you get the default installation, which is the least function. If you need additional IIS features, such as application development features or web management tools, be sure to check the relevant checkboxes for these features in the Windows Features dialog.

First, install IIS. Open the Control Panel and click “Programs and Features 

2. Click on the left side to open or close the Windows function.

3. Find <Internet Information Services" Tick ​​the following figure

4. After the installation is complete, in the control panel, click “Administrative Tools”

5. Double-click < Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager&rdquo ;, enter the IIS interface:

Sixth, select "Default Web Site", double-click the middle of the "ASP",

change "and enable parent path" to "ldue; True" Br>

Seven, start to configure the site. Click on the right side “Advanced Settings”

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