How does Win7 system turn off Windows error reporting?


When operating the computer, some problems will inevitably occur. At this time, the system will automatically pop up the prompt window included in the Windows error. This is normal, but some users do not like this pop-up window, we can close the Windows error report. So how do I turn off Windows Error Reporting? In fact, we can use the registry to achieve the closing of the error notification report window. The following small series for everyone to introduce the Win7 system to close the Windows error report specific solutions.

To turn off Windows Error Reporting:

1. Click the Run option in the Start menu and type gpedit.msc to open the Group Policy Editor as shown:
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2, in the group policy, open the user configuration → management template & rarr; Windows components & rarr; Windows error report, found on the right side "disable Windows error report", as shown:

3, Finally, in the pop-up window, check "“ Enabled" and click OK. After that, Windows will not pop up the error report again, as shown in the figure:

The above is the solution for closing the Windows error report for Win7 system introduced by Xiaobian. The operation steps are very simple, just modify the registry.

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