How does the Win7 system modify the background color of the CMD Command Prompt window?


I believe that users of Win7 system are familiar with the CMD command prompt, and the white text and black background of the prompt are annoying. Many users want to modify the background color of the CMD command prompt window, but they I don't know how to modify it? In fact, we can modify the way through the registry, the following small series for everyone to introduce Win7 to modify the background color of the CMD command prompt window.


1, press & ldquo; Win + R & rdquo; key combination to open operation, an input & ldquo; regedit & rdquo; open registry editor;

2 , in order to expand the registry editor, & ldquo; HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ command Processor & rdquo ;;

3, double-click to open the & ldquo; DefaultColor & rdquo ;, its value data to be modified to change command The color of the prompt box.

The color attribute is specified by two hexadecimal digits -- the first is the background and the second is the foreground. Each number can be one of the following values:

0 = black 8 = gray

1 = blue 9 = light blue

2 = green A = light Green

3 = light green B = light green

4 = red C = light red

5 = purple D = lavender

6 = E = yellow light yellow

7 = F = white bright white

such as we enter & ldquo; FC & rdquo ;, background becomes white, white becomes the word, we Feel free to piece together.

The above is a small version of the method for Win7 to modify the background color of the CMD command prompt window. I still don't know how the Win7 system can modify the background color of the CMD command prompt window. Try the above steps to try it out.

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