Take advantage of the win7 mission plan to get the steps to automatically shut down


As a stable and secure win7 system, it has become more and more mature in the continuous improvement. Some of the small functions that are hidden in the win7 system are gradually being explored by users. The win7 task scheduler function It is one of them, how to use this function skillfully, let the master tell you.

Take advantage of the win7 mission plan to get the automatic shutdown steps:

1, execution start & mdash; all programs & mdash; attachments & mdash; system tools & mdash; task scheduler operations.

2. Select Create Basic Task &hellip in the Open Task Scheduler window;

3. Set the task plan name and describe it.

4. Set the task scheduler start time in the task trigger.

5. Fill in the detailed task trigger time and frequency.

6. Select the startup program in the operation steps.

7. Set up the program or script and add parameters. (The name is: shutdown, -st 3600, the time here is in seconds. This time is set to start after one hour)

8. Display the planned configuration content in the final task plan window, confirm Click OK when you are correct.

The task scheduler is a small function that comes with the win7 system. If the user can use it skillfully, he can give some routine operations to the system intelligence, so that the win7 system can be run. Artificial intelligence.

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