win7 system to play Fantasy Westward Journey card is always a solution to a card system

win7 play Fantasy Westward Journey card is always a solution to a card

cause of the malfunction:

1, Graphics driver.

2, the garbage code solution of the dream jewellery system.

3, hard disk IO and graphics card.


1, give up 360, or refresh2.0 once before each game;

2, according to the method of technical cattle, delete the fantasy Westward Journey All files in the v3d_cache folder under the directory. [This requirement is deleted every time you log in to the game].

My solution is:

1. Delete v3d.dat in the v3d_cache folder under the Fantasy Westward Journey root directory;

2. Right-click on the new text document and rename it. For v3d.dat [Note here that the suffix extension should also be changed. If your computer's default extension is hidden, please select the tool in the v3d_cache folder -> folder options -> view -> hide “ Know the file type extension & rdquo; uncheck ];

3, right click on the newly created v3d.dat file, in the General -> properties, select read-only;

4, in the General -> Advanced Properties -> File Properties "can archive files" & uncheck; unchecked;

5, then log in the game, back to the root directory v3d_cache folder, right Click the property to view the file size as 0, indicating that the setting is successful;

6, this method to some extent to solve the fantasy Westward Journey phenomenon, the effect is good, you can try.

On the win7 system, playing Fantasy Westward Journey is always a problem with one card and one card. Users who have encountered such problems may wish to solve the problem by referring to the above method.

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