Win7 system uninstall and install Microsoft office 2003 office software method


How to uninstall and install Microsoft Office 2003 office software in win7 system

The specific method is as follows:

1. Installation: Download the installation package and double-click to open the installation package;

2. Double-click the folder Office2003SP3 in the above figure, enter the folder, double-click the installation file, Office2003SP3.exe, pop up the small window;

3, click “Install “, click ” Next “ , until the following figure, you can choose the type to install, generally select "<;typical installation", always click the next step until the end;

4, after installation, can be in &ldquo ; Start & rdquo; see the folder in the menu, Microsoft Office, the installation has been successful;;

5, to uninstall the software, open & rdquo; control panel & ldquo;, select & rdquo; program & ldquo; Under the "Uninstaller";

6, open after the display, as shown below, found in this interface & rdquo; microsoft office professional edition 2003 & ldquo;, right-click to select & rdquo; uninstall & ldquo;, you can delete the word 2003.

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