Windows 7 Common Shortcuts List


Win+E Open Resource Browser
Win+R Open Run Window (can be searched globally, very convenient) Win+1 Open or display the first icon on the taskbar (win+ 2, win+3 analogy), similar to Alt+Ecs Win+G Switch to the sidebar gadget (Asen is often busy forgetting today is a few, use this shortcut to view it easily) Win+L lock the computer or switch user Win+ X Open Computer Mobility Center Win+P Open Multi-Function Display Panel (Switch Display) Win+M Minimizes all windows, and Win+D quickly displays desktop effects like Win+F Search files or folders Win+B Quick Positioning System Tray ( If the mouse fails, this shortcut is more convenient. Win+Tab 3D switches the window and plagiarizes Linux and Mac OS. Play cool, not practical Win+ space transparent display desktop, need to open Aero Peek function Win+Home Minimize or restore all windows except the current window Win+Pause Display & ldquo; System Properties & rdquo; dialog box can be fast View the basic hardware configuration of the computer Ctrl+Shift+Esc Quickly open the task manager Win+↑ Maximize the current window Win+↓ Restore/minimize the current window Win+← The current window is spread over the left half Screen Win+→ The current window is covered with the right half of the screen browser commonly used shortcut keys Alt+D positioning address bar (convenient browser input URL) Ctrl+F Position to the search box Ctrl+W Close the current window Ctrl+Tab Switch to each other to open the calculator: Run in the input: calc drawing: mspaint

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