Get Win7 Administrator Permissions by Manually Importing the Registry

        There is a phenomenon called your own computer, and you are obviously a super administrator. But Win7 people don't admit it, especially when you want to start with the files under system, Win is blindly saying what must be admin rights to operate. I don't have permission. Of course, people may also have security considerations, although this mechanism is not quite well understood by everyone. Fortunately, people have not taken you to the road, so I have to write other ways to leave, for example, we can manually import the registry to get your own administrator privileges. Under the four steps of Zou: 1. Just build a .reg file for the suffix. 2. Enclose the following code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/runas]@="Get Administrator Permissions&&;;NoWorkingDirectory"=""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/runas /command]@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f /"%1/" & icacls /"%1/" /grant administrators:F""IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f /"%1/" & icacls /"%1/" /grant administrators:F"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/exefile/shell/runas2]@="Get Administrator Permissions"" ;NoWorkingDirectory"=""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/exefile/shell/runas2/command]@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f /"%1/" & icacls /"%1/" /grant administrators:F""IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f /"%1/" & icacls /"%1/" /grant administrators:F"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Directory /shell/runas]@="Get Administrator Permissions&&;;NoWorkingDirectory"=""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /Directory/shell/runas/command]@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f /"%1/" /r /dy & icacls /"%1/" /grant administrators:F /t""IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f /"%1/" /r /dy & icacls /"%1/" /grant administrators:F /t" 3. Then double-click to execute, the mail can be seen to get administrator privileges.
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