After a key recovery, Win8 operating system setup step

1. After a key recovery, select “restart&rquo; restart the computer. In general, you will see the continuous screen and three or so restarts, examples are as follows:

2. After completing the final step, “Welcome to Windows” The stage begins. “Welcome to Windows> The wizard will guide you through the initial installation and personalization of Windows on your PC. Sometimes it refers to OOBE (new experience) or “first run experience” in other Microsoft products. When interacting with customers, please use “Welcome to Windows”.
When most users start a new PC with Windows 8 pre-installed, the first installer is "Welcome to Windows".
This section outlines the steps shown in this process.
Next, you will be prompted to choose a background color. If it is a new installation, not an upgrade, you will be asked to enter a computer name. (default idea PC)

3. If you have a wireless adapter with a driver for Windows 8, you will be prompted to select your wireless network from the list of available networks. Each network shows signal strength, and the unencrypted network also displays a warning shield. Note: If you have configured your wireless network to block SSID broadcasts, the SSID broadcast will not be displayed in the list. Or if the user does not have a wireless network available to them, use the “Connect to the wireless network later” option and configure the connection in Windows.

4. It is recommended that users use the quick settings, click to use the quick settings and jump directly to the wizard's "Login" step, or you can select the "Customize" button to verify these settings. The following picture shows the wizard's "custom" approach.

The following figure shows the various options related to automatically installing Windows and driver updates, as well as options related to the SmartScreen® filter.

The following figure shows the options page to show you feedback on usage and other related data to Microsoft to improve the product.

The following image shows the settings related to using Microsoft services to fix problems and allow you to configure the information you want to share with your application.

After completing the “Settings" page (if you select “Customize” option has multiple pages), you will be prompted to provide an email address to log in to Windows. The default option for creating an account in Windows 8 is to use a connected account that logs in to Windows with your Microsoft account and password. The email address provided here should be a Microsoft account, and you can create one from this interface even if you don't have a Microsoft account. If you do not want to create a connected account, you can create a local account by clicking the "Sign in without using a Microsoft account" link. To see the steps to create a local account, see Settings below

On the Local Account Creation screen, you'll see more traditional user account creation options such as defining a username, typing a password twice, and typing password hint. You must enter text in the password prompt field to continue. This is the final step of the wizard. After clicking the “Next” button, you will log in to Windows 8 using the local account you just created. At this point, the installation is complete, you are logged in to the PC, and the system loads. The new "Start” screen.
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