1, type regedit in the Start menu search bar or run: Win8.1 reset all folder view graphic tutorial

Win8.1 how to reset these folders view it

steps? press Enter to open the registry editor;
2, navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Classes \\ Local Settings \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Shell

3, delete Bags term;
4, and then navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Shell

5, the same Bags delete items;
6, final positioning to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ ShellNoRoam

7, or delete items Bags (if present), and then log off the computer again.
At this point, the folder view in the system has been restored to its original state. To restore the state before the modification, restore the previously backed up registry.

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