Solution for 80246010 error when Win8.1 is updated


Some users have encountered a problem with the Windows patch update failure on the Win8.1 system, and the error code 80246010 is displayed. He solved the problem by first installing the latest update and then installing the previous update. For this question, Xiaobian gives the following proposals.

Suggestion 1: System update and killing software should not be updated at the same time

It is possible to update the software, update the system, if using Windows anti-virus software (MSE or Defender), it is recommended to be independent in anti-virus software. Interface Update

Suggestion 2: Independent download and update offline installation

For details, please refer to: "How to Customize and Update Partial Patches for Windows 8".

Suggestion 3: Don't update in the network congestion time

It is best to find a time period when the network load is light, such as lunch break or before everyone goes to work. The more people use the network at the same time, the slower the download is, which is something that everyone on earth knows.

Suggestion 4: Don't trust the so-called system streamlining and optimization

The system file is damaged after streamlined optimization. It is estimated that only the original system can be reinstalled, such as system update failure, lack of system files or Dynamic link library files and many other issues.

We don't have to worry too much about errors in system updates. We can solve them according to the error code.

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