Win8.1 how to remove the residual items of the control panel after uninstalling the program


Some netizens reported that in the Win8.1 system, after the incompatible software was installed, the residual items in the control panel could not be deleted. Although the impact of this issue is not great, we should still understand how to remove these residual projects.

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Control Panel & ldquo; Add or Remove Programs & rdquo; is a commonly used method to uninstall the software. However, after some software is uninstalled, its program name (such as VoptXP V7.12) will remain in the “Add or Remove Programs” program, even if you click the “Change/Delete” button.


Select “Start →Run”, enter the “Regedit” command in the pop-up "Run" dialog to open the Registry Editor, first Click on the "Files" menu under the "Files" menu to export the registry file & rdquo; backup the registry, if there is a problem after the deletion, you can restore the original registry.

Next, locate HKEY_LO-CAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall and locate the remaining program name (for example, VoptXP V7.12) and delete it.

In order to completely uninstall, you should also select the “edit → find" menu command in the registry, open the “ find & rdquo; dialog box, enter in the "find the target" Uninstall the program name, find the project related to the program and delete it, and then continue to use the "find the next" command to find and delete all the programs of the program.

In addition to using the system's own "Add or Remove Programs" function to uninstall the software, various third-party security software such as Kingsoft Internet Security also has a program uninstall function, and can also clear the registration after uninstalling. Table residual items. Everyone can try.

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