Win8 Documents and Settings shortcuts can not be deleted solution


A netizen found a shortcut to the Documents and Settings folder on his Win8 system. It appears on the D drive. If you want to delete it, the prompt box for the folder access denied is popped up and cannot be deleted. What should I do?

Deleting this shortcut will bring up the following message:

You need permission to do this.

You need permission from your computer administrator to make changes to this folder.

Documents and Settings

Creation time: 2011/8/24 Wednesday 16:04

Analysis and resolution

This folder was created more than three years ago And this folder permission cannot be edited at all. In fact, this folder is the residual file of the previous system. If you want to delete it, you can use DiskGenius software to delete this file!

Documents and Settings is usually the place where the user's personal data is stored. It's high, so in this case we need to borrow a little advanced tool to remove it.

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