How Win8.1 displays detailed application information on the lock screen interface


Starting from Win8 system, the lock screen interface becomes the default first display interface after startup, and Win8.1 is no exception. At the same time, Win8.1 can display detailed application information on the lock screen interface, which is not convenient in practical use.


You can select the application to provide a detailed update for you on the lock screen, so that you can obtain the relevant things like the next appointment on the calendar Information, or find out who is calling you on Skype.

1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, click “Set”, then click “Change PC Settings”.

(If you are using a mouse, point to the lower right corner of the screen, then move the mouse pointer up, click “Set”, then click “Change PC Settings 

2. Tap or click "Computers & Devices", and then tap or click “Lock Screen”.

3. Under "Select the application that displays the detailed status", click or click the plus button, then tap or click the application in the list to select it.

However, Win8.1 system supports the display of detailed information displayed on the lock screen interface, only Metro application, a large number of traditional applications can not achieve this function in the lock screen interface. Fortunately, Metro applications are becoming more and more versatile and practical.

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