Win8 login interface DPI how to adjust


In recent years, with the continuous advancement of technology, the screen resolution is also constantly improving. It has reached 1920x1080 resolution, which is already a common device configuration, and higher. However, the default DPI for Windows systems is still at 96 DPI, which is not good for viewing text under high-resolution monitors. For this we need to understand the Win8 login interface DPI and its adjustment methods.

I believe many of my friends have manually adjusted DPI, but like me, you may have doubts about the DPI settings of the login interface: Why is the default 96 DPI?

In Windows Vista The DPI settings are the same as the resolution settings and belong to a global setting. After setting, all users including the DPI at the login interface will be set to the value you need. Since Windows 7, the DPI settings have changed and the settings are only valid for the current user.

How to modify the DPI settings of the login interface? You can do the following:

1. Adjust the DPI settings of your current user to make it look suitable for your screen 2. Open the registry. Editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop, find the DWORD value LogPixels, copy the value (in my case this value is hexadecimal 78).

2, navigate to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelDesktop, create a new DWORD value named LogPixels, assigned to the current value LogPixels you just copy the user (for example, I was 78). At this point, the DPI setting of the login interface is completed.

DPI setting so other users can also alter it if the answer is yes, as follows:?

In the registry search inside LogPixels, all the key does not The LogPixels value less than 60 is modified to the value of your current user (I need to change them to 78). This allows even new users to use the specified DPI without having to set it up.

What if I don't want to use it? Just change all the LogPixels key values ​​in the registry with a key value of 60 or less to 60 to restore the default 96 DPI.

About the Win8 login interface DPI adjustment method is introduced here, the setting steps are very simple, just need to remember two important registry locations, and the above setting DPI method is also applicable to Win7, Especially for friends who have old people at home, you can adjust the content on the desktop to a more easy to read setting. Adjusting 125% or 150% is a good choice.

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