Analysis of the reasons for Windows 8.1 update failure


Recently, some users encountered some problems when updating the Windows 8.1 system. The system error message could not be updated to the Windows 8.1 system, so the Windows 8.1 system update was automatically terminated. What is the matter? ? See how the masters come to answer this question for everyone.

Possible Causes:

1. Anti-virus software (recommended to close or uninstall first)

2. Drivers with problems

3. Some Use an external device that is not compatible with wind8.1


1. First, please confirm whether your model supports upgrading to Win8.1.

2. It is recommended that you temporarily remove all non-Lenovo pre-installed external devices, such as mouse, keyboard, printer, camera, etc.

3. It is recommended that you back up important personal files and use the one-click recovery function to restore the computer to the factory state. Please refer to the operation method.

4. Uninstall software and drivers that may affect updates, such as anti-virus software, power management, graphics drivers, and more.

5. Install all Windows update update patches before attempting to update Win8.1 in the app store.

Through the above analysis, we can know that there are many reasons for the failure of Windows8.1 update. Virus, driver and incompatibility are one of the reasons, so users can only find out the reason for the update failure. Better solve this problem that cannot be updated.

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