Little-known Win8 shutdown cheat


Using the Windows operating system, many users of the Windows shutdown operation method are already well-known, but for the shutdown method of the new system win8, you dare to say that you are familiar with it? Take a look at how the win8 shutdown method is a challenge to the tradition.

1.win8 unique shutdown method: close Windows8 through Charms super bar

CharmsBar super bar is a unique feature of win8, the previous Microsoft released system does not have this feature. Press the shortcut key Win+C to open the Charms Super Bar. Then click “Settings> The shutdown, reboot, and hibernate options will appear. Then we can shut down. Or use win8's unique shortcut key win+I to go directly to the above settings window.

2. Commonly used shutdown method Ait+F4

Press Ait+F4 on the desktop. If there is no pop-up window, press it a few times and it will come out.

3. Commonly used shutdown method task manager shutdown

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, there is a shutdown option, if you really want to shut down, use this method very fast.

4. Shutdown with the command shutdown

The shutdown command is the best command for the computer to shut down or periodically shut down.

win8 is a bold and innovative system. Many functions are breaking through the traditional constraints, showing the innovative side, allowing users to experience the new system while also feeling the freshness and challenges of the system. Interested in Users can learn to learn.

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