Classic Shell classic win8.1 start menu setting


Classic Shell officially released a new version 4.0 this morning, the new version of the program for a series of improvements to Microsoft's latest operating system. The application can replace the Win8.1 start menu and use the same logo as its own start button to make the new operating system more familiar to users. After initial use, Classic Shell 4.0 works fine on Windows 8.1 RTM. If you want to use the traditional start menu in this upcoming new system, Classic Shell 4.0 is a good choice for Win8. .1 Start menu settings, not only functional, but also free.

Classic Shell 4.0 Start Menu Main Features:

1. The new "Windows 7" style, which replicates the look and feel of the Windows 7 Start Menu.

2. In addition to the application, Windows Search can also be used to find files.

3, the newest menu will also show the most commonly used applications.

4. You can lock a software/application directly from the Explorer to the Start menu.

5, automatically highlight the new application.

6. The Classic Shell settings list can also be searched, so you can quickly find the setup options you need.

7. A new, more reliable way to boot on the Windows 8 platform.

8, the start menu can use the native Windows 8.1 start button.

9. The new Explorer status bar displays the total size of the selected files and the available disk space.

We can first understand this tool by taking the screenshot below:

Effects of installing Classic Shell 4.0 on Windows 8.1

View all programs

Right click on the Start button to open the Classic Shell Settings menu

Select your favorite Start Menu style, including classic style, two-column classic style, Windows 7 style

Basic setup options

Select skin for start menu

You can also choose Aero transparent skin effect

Customize start menu

From Classic Shell you can directly access Windows 8.1 Make settings, such as skipping the Metro start screen when the system starts, and launching directly to the desktop

Content menu

Sound settings

Start button options

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