Windows 7 boot startup settings, open optimization software to improve computer boot speed


boot startup item is the biggest bottleneck of the boot speed of the system, sometimes the win7 system startup speed is much slower (extended :Computer
What should I do if I am slow?), usually we will use optimization software to set boot items, such as 360 security guards, Rubik's cube and other tools, but these tools will add their own set of software to the startup items. In the case, for example, 360 will add 360 anti-virus, guards, safes, etc. to the startup items. For some machines, it will be optimized to make the boot slower, so we will provide you with a way to optimize the startup items, using win7. Built-in tools do not require third-party tools. Please turn off all anti-virus software and security tools before use.

Shortcut key: win key +R Call up the running window, enter msconfig to call up the system configuration, then select the boot tab, and tick off the things to be canceled, the method is simple and practical.

For those booting items that are not important, MTOOU.INFO recommends removing the previous √ this software has been banned from starting automatically when the Windows 7 system is booted. Startup speed. As shown below:

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