Win8 virus protection program how to close win8 to close the virus protection program detailed explanation


Sometimes win8 comes with a virus protection program is too sensitive to cause accidental deletion or interception of the program, sometimes when restoring the system because in safe mode If you cannot restore successfully, you need to turn off the virus protection program. In this case, we need to turn off the virus protection program. So how to close the win8 virus protection program? Let's take a look at the detailed method of win8 to close the virus protection program.

Win8 virus protection program shutdown method

1, pay attention to the red box Enter the control panel.

2, click into “system and security”.

3. Click on “Operation Center”.

4. Click “Change Action Center Settings”.

5, find "virus protection", remove the front hook, click OK!

The above is a small series for everyone to introduce the win8 shutdown virus protection program Detailed explanation, I hope to help everyone, if you have any questions, please leave a message, Xiaobian will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support of this website!

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