Windows10 how to cancel the taskbar preview map Win10 system taskbar preview map cancel method graphic tutorial


A lot of user feedback windows10 system taskbar preview will always block the block, accidentally clicked, people feel very inconvenient, what should I do? In fact, we can directly cancel the preview of the taskbar. How should this be done? Let's learn the operation method along with this small series!

Win10 system taskbar preview map cancellation method is as follows:

1, press the window +r shortcut key to open the "Run" window, enter "ldedit", click "“ OK" ;, enter the registry;

2, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced in the registry;

3, click to select “Advanced”, find the DWORD value named "ExtendedUIHoverTime" and double-click it to open the "Edit DWORD (32-bit) value" window, change the numeric data to 9000, click “OK”;

4, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Taskband

5 in the registry, click to select “Taskband”, the right key value Right click on any blank space of the item window, move the cursor to “New”, click “DWORD (32-bit) value (D)”, and create a DWORD named “New Value #1”” Value;

6, right click on “new value#1”, click “rename” Called "NumThumbnails", double-click "NumThumbnails" to open the "Edit DWORD (32-bit) value" window, change the value data to 0, click “ OK & rdquo;;

7. Restart the computer and move the cursor to the taskbar icon again. The preview will not be displayed.

The above is a small series of win10 system taskbar preview map cancellation method graphic tutorial, I hope to help everyone, if you have any questions, please leave a message, Xiaobian Will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support of this website!

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