Win8.1 open Media Player player prompts Failed to load control solution


win8.1 system comes with Media Player video player, Media Player is a free play produced by Microsoft. Some wi8.1 system users open Media Player, prompting "Failed to load control" Windows Media Player & rdquo; from wmp.dll & rdquo;, what is going on? This may be because wmp.dll has been corrupted and we need to fix the wmp.dll file. Let's take a look at the detailed steps.

Resolution steps:

1. Install the update patch for Windows 8.1 system, or copy one from someone else's normal computer to try.

2, after replacing the file, enter ”regsvr32 c:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\wmp.dll to register in the “command prompt“.

3, pay attention to copy wmp.dll according to the version of your system, or you may not be able to complete the registration.

The above is the solution for Win8.1 to open the Media Player player prompt "Failed to load control & rdquo;, if the prompt is missing other dll files, you may also refer to this method. Can't fix it, it is recommended to download and install other players.

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