Win10 English version of the Chinese software displayed as a question mark solution

RegEx Dotext 1.0 & beta; 4.exe is a powerful small software for processing text, thanks to the software maker sunsmile. But after installing the English version of Windows 10, open RegEx Dotext 1.0 β4.exe, the interface is as shown below, a lot of question marks, the specific phenomenon is as follows:

1, press the windows key (In fact, open the start menu);
2, find Settings;

3, Settings as follows, we have to set the Time & Language.

4. Click on Time & Language as shown below:

5. Continue to click on Region & Language, as follows:

6. Click on the bottom Additional date, time, & regional settings.

7, the following interface appears, continue to click Change location.

8. The Region dialog box appears. Continue to click to switch to the “Administrative” tab and select “ change system locale….”.

9. At this point, we see Current system locale: English(United States).

10. Select “ldld; Chinese (Simplified, China) from the drop-down menu and click OK.

11. A dialog box pops up, prompting to restart. We save our work (for example, I am editing Baidu experience at this time, pay attention to save the draft), and then select “Restart now” (restart now).

12. After restarting, if the problem has not been resolved, modify the format with "Formats".

13, as shown in the figure, after the above modifications, it has been shown normal!

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The above is the Win10 English version of the Chinese software display as a question mark solution all content introduction Through simple settings, we can solve this problem, and friends in need may wish to refer to it!
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