Win10 error code when prompted to install the software application store solution 0x80070005

reinstall the application in the app store, but he ran the operation error 0x80070005, specific phenomenon as follows:

There is a 0x80070005 error, access is denied, try to replace the owner of the E drive with the current user, and then it should be fine.
The specific operation is as follows:
1, right-click start menu, command prompt (admin);
2, enter echo Y| Takeown /r /f E:\\ & icacls E:\\ /inheritance:e /t & pause , that's it.
Remarks: If you can't solve the problem after the operation, then Xiaobian can only recommend that you reset the Win10 system.
The above is the solution for the error 0x80070005 when the Win10 application store installs the application. Friends of the same problem can be solved according to the above methods!
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