Win10 original system installation steps graphic tutorial


Win10 original system installation steps graphic tutorial:

1, copy the downloaded win10 original system to the U disk boot disk;

2, boot to the U disk boot disk, generally press the F12 to select the U disk quickly when booting, specifically look at the model, start a U disk and select a pe press the Enter key to enter;

3, open the virtual drive icon of the pe desktop, load the win10 original system inside the U disk;

4, after loading the virtual drive, open the desktop win system installation (you can also find NT6 installation from the start menu) , the first selection box selects the system just loaded, open the sources folder, open install.wim;

5, the second choice to boot the disk, usually C drive, I am installing dual system , so a little difference;

6, the third is to choose the installation location, generally also C drive, I installed dual system, so choose different;

7, select it, you can click Installed, click on the installation, the next step is to keep the default, and the pe is installed. After that, you will be prompted to restart, you can restart directly;

8, after the restart will continue to install, when you fill out the computer information, you can choose it, very simple, fully installed and then enter the desktop The above is the graphic tutorial of the installation steps of the Win10 original system. It is worth noting that the requirements are the original ISO system, the boot disk is made well, and interested friends can try it.

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