Microsoft: Win10 developers should make good use of adaptive tile and interactive notification function


Win10 has been officially released, and Windows 10 development tools for developers have also been announced. Microsoft today adopted a blog post on its official blog to encourage developers to make good use of Win10, including adaptive dynamic tiles and interactive notifications in PC desktop and Mobile, to guide users to the most convenient features.

Adaptive Dynamic Tiles and Interactive Notifications are new features in Windows 10 that were not available in previous Win8.1 and WP8.1. With these features, users can get useful without having to open the application. information.

Adaptive and interactive notifications allow notification messages in Win10 devices to be rendered in an interactive UI that allows users to process messages, perform text input and other operations directly in the notification center. Developers can capture input and even execute code in the notification center, and users don't have to go to other windows to perform operations from the current context. In addition to plain text, Toast notifications support more rich content such as images.

Adaptive dynamic tile templates allow developers to describe dynamic tile content in a simple markup language, giving developers more flexibility in displaying tile content. The adaptive dynamic tile can also be adapted to a variety of different resolution screens to ensure perfect display in any device.

Win10 also adds improved secondary tiles. Fixed secondary tiles do not require user or system interaction, and the app can execute additional code immediately after the tile is fixed. This allows the developer to pin multiple tiles at the same time and send the tile notifications as soon as they are fixed.

Synchronizing Dynamic Tiles and Toast Notifications is a new type of background task trigger called ToastNotificationHistoryChangedTrigger. A background task can be triggered when the application notification set is changed by any operation other than the application itself. This means that when a user deletes a notification in the action center, the notification expires, or a new push arrives, the developer can execute some code, making it easy to keep the dynamic tile up to date.

In addition, the dynamic tile badge is unified in all devices, so the symbols previously included in Windows can now be displayed in Win10 Mobile, ensuring the consistency of the dynamic tile display.

Developers can click here to go to the official Microsoft blog for more details.

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