How does Win10 delete recent files from file resource management browsing?


Microsoft recently released Windows 10, and in addition to many new major features, the operating system update includes several minor improvements. The latest addition to Windows 10 is the most recently used file portion of File Explorer. Some people will like this feature because it helps them quickly access their recent files, and some people may not like it because it may upset their file browser. If you are a person who doesn't like this feature, here is how to delete it:

1. Open the file browser

2, enter from the top bar

3, click on the option

4, find “ open the file explorer  drop-down list

5, click the drop-down menu, change “ quick access & rdquo; to “ This computer & rdquo;, then click OK

6, after that, close the file browser and then re-open the changes it sees in action.

The above is how Win10 deletes the recent file method of file resource management browsing, I hope it will help everyone!

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