How to close the win7 firewall win7 firewall shutdown command execution flow chart


How to close the win7 firewall? The computer installed win7 system will open the firewall shield violation, but also affect the normal operation of some programs, win7 firewall how to close? Today Xiaobian will share the win7 firewall shutdown command execution flow chart for everyone, bring win7 firewall shutdown command execution Tutorial.

Win7 firewall shutdown command execution flow chart:

Press “win+r”, enter cmd in the open box to open the command line window.

Enter the command: netsh firewall set opmode disable, press Enter.

If you have anti-virus software installed, there may be security tips. Select “Allow action”

Run the command and the following prompt will appear on the interface.

Check out the netsh advfirewall help documentation (click to enter).

The command to turn off the firewall should be: netsh advfilewall set publicprofile state off.

Using administrator privileges, open a command line window and type netsh advfilewall set publicprofile state off.

Press Enter to close the firewall.

The above is the whole content of the win7 firewall shutdown command execution flow chart, win7 firewall can effectively shield some external infringement, there is no special need to best not to close!

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