This windows copy is not genuine 7601 black screen how to solve (detailed version)


After we reinstall the system, or after the system restore, the computer screen appears "This windows copy is not genuine", the word watermark, and readers friends The computer desktop is black. This is caused by the system not being activated, so we should solve this problem? The following small series for everyone to introduce this windows copy is not a genuine 7601 black screen solution, I hope to help everyone!




Click below to download the address

software name:
win7 pony activation tool (64) Chinese green version
software size:
update time:

After the download is completed, as follows:

Attachment: Readers can also download it in my Baidu network disk:

http ://

We double-click the exe file as follows:

We click ”start to experience the genuine “, as follows: Br>

This way, the system activation is complete, we can verify it, as follows:

We will find that the watermark is gone!

We can also view it in the system properties, as follows:


If the activation with the pony is unsuccessful, please refer to the experience: < Br>

Pony activation tool appears Cannot open file k:\\OEMSF solution:

The above is this windows copy is not genuine 7601 Black screen solution, I hope to help everyone!

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