Win10 Membership Program: Unavailable Information


Computer Store News: Microsoft recently posted an email to Windows members titled "Windows Membership Program: Unavailable Information" to introduce some future information to the Win10 preview.

Microsoft once again stressed that "Build 9879 is the latest version of Windows members. But we will come back in January and share a lot of exciting new content with you. ”

The full text of the email is as follows:

Dear Windows Member, Hello!

I am Gabe, responsible for leading the data and fundamentals team in the operating system group (OSG). . My team is passionate about helping to review and understand all the feedback we get from you through the Windows Membership Program and work with our various functional teams to make changes based on what we know. In the future, I will keep in touch with you as the membership plan progresses.

Download and get the version:

- If you have not installed Windows 10 Technical Preview, you can install it here. (If you are an IT professional, you can get the Windows 10 Technical Preview for Enterprise here.) Tips – This is a pre-release software, please check before installing to make sure it is right for you.

- If you have Tech Preview installed, the latest version will be automatically pushed to you via Windows Update. Most users will receive this push at midnight. As long as your computer is plugged in, it will download and install the version for you, whether it is powered on or in hibernation. Please note that Windows Update does not automatically download new versions via a metered network.

- You can choose to get the new version of the frequency –“fast” or “slow”. When updates are more frequent, you'll see the latest features faster, but they are more likely to encounter bugs. By default, all members will be added to the "slow" channel.

- Version 9879 is the latest version of the year for Windows members. But we will come back in January and share a lot of exciting new content with you.

Welcome feedback!

- As a member, you can use the Windows Feedback app (part of the Tech Preview download) to our engineers directly Provide feedback. Just search for “Windows feedback” in the search box.

- In the Tech Preview, be sure to sign in with the Microsoft account you used to sign up for the membership program (the address where you received this email).

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