Solution for data loss after system recovery under Vista


In Windows Vista, if you forget to export your personal data, your personal data will be lost and cannot be recovered after the system is restored. How to prevent it?

Cause Analysis

In Windows Vista, user personal data is uniformly integrated into the “users” folder under the system root directory, which is used with Windows XP. The settings for “Documents And Settings” are quite different. The benefit is that the user's personal data organization is clearer and the structure is more reasonable. In the default settings of Windows Vista, a subdirectory is automatically created for each user in the “users” folder, which contains 11 documents, links, favorites, pictures, music, contacts, and saved games. Subfolders, which store the corresponding data in separate categories. At the same time, the files related to the running of programs such as "Application Data" in the previous Windows XP "Documents And Settings" are removed, that is, only the users are saved in the folder "users". Personal data.

However, this method of coexisting user data with system files on the same drive has some operational risks. For example, in order to improve the efficiency of system maintenance, many users prefer to install Windows Vista first. Make a backup of the system partition with Complete PC, so that the system can be run again by simply restoring the image when the system crashes. However, the setting of placing the user folder on the system partition requires the user to first export the user before restoring. Personal data, otherwise, will be covered by the contents of the image file, like system files and settings, causing irreparable damage.


Move the user's personal folder out of the system partition so that no matter how the partition is operated, using image recovery or even reinstalling Windows Vista will not affect individuals who are stored on other drives. Folders will not cause data loss. The specific operation is as follows:

1. Create a new directory in other partitions. (For systems with multiple hard disks, it is better to save user data on the hard disk outside the system partition, which is more secure); Br>

2, open the user's personal folder, select all the items, including documents, pictures, etc., hold down the right mouse button and drag it to the newly created folder. (It is also possible to move only certain items such as video to a newly created folder, while leaving other items in the system partition <;users";)

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