The language bar of the XP system is solved for no reason missing


Q: My computer right-clicks on the taskbar and there is no language bar option in the Toolbar. Minimize the language bar on the desktop or drag it into the taskbar. It's gone. You need to reset it in the regional language to get back to the desktop. What can I do to get the language bar back to normal?

A: This is a problem with the registry. To unlock the bell, you must also ring the registry. Open the registry and navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\ShellNoRoam\\MUICache and see if there is any "@%SystemRoot%\\System32\\msutb.dll, -325" on the right side. , the key value is "Language Bar", if not, add it.

Then locate: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\CLSID\\{540D8A8B-1C3F-4E32-8132-530F6A502090}, see if the right side is consistent, the default should be "language bar", then look at the left side Sub-branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\CLSID\\{540D8A8B-1C3F-4E32-8132-530F6A502090}\\InProcServer32, the default value should be "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\msutb.dll".

If you don't have this branch in your registry, you can import it from the registry of other normal systems.

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