Windows Tips: The Administrator account is set with you


In Windows XP, the Administrator account is the ultimate administrator. If you create another administrator account, it will be hidden from the welcome screen. The caveat here is that just hidden from the welcome screen, the account still exists.

If you still need to use this account, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Del twice on the welcome screen, then enter the Administrator username and password in the login box and log in.

If you want to display this account on the welcome screen, you can modify the registry. Click Start - Run, type regedit OK, and then expand the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\WinLogon\\SpecialAccounts\\UserList

Then in the right window Find the Dword key named after the Administrator (if you can't create it yourself), double-click, change the key value from 0 to 1, and restart the computer after exiting.

If you are in trouble, you can save the text as a .reg file, double-click, confirm, and restart:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\WinLogon\\SpecialAccounts\\UserList]


If you want to log in to the system automatically with the Administrator account in the future, You can enter control userpasswords2 in the start-run, in the pop-up window, "To use this machine, the user must enter the username and password", select Administrator, then confirm, enter the password of the Administrator account.

In addition, the prompt is: in the safe mode, you can see the hidden Administrator account.

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