Operating system hardware conflict troubleshooting six skills

            In a computer, system resources include interrupt request (IRQ) lines, direct memory storage (DMA) channels, input/output (I/O) ports, and memory addresses. When the same system resource is assigned to two or more devices, a hardware conflict occurs and the conflicting hardware device will not work properly. The following methods can help you resolve hardware conflicts. First, make sure that the device driver is installed only once. 1. Click “Start”, point to “Set", and then click “Control Panel", and then double-click “System”. 2. Click the <quo;Device Manager” tab and look for duplicate devices. 3. If a device appears twice and only one of these devices is actually installed, delete the device each time by right-clicking on the device that appears repeatedly, and then clicking “Delete&rdquo ; (Figure 1) wyjc1.tif. 4. Reinstall the drivers for your device. Second, check the resource settings to ensure that the device only appears once on the "Device Manager" tab, please check its resource settings: on the "System Properties" tab of the "System Properties" dialog box, double-click Conflict the device and then click on the "Resources" tab to verify if you are viewing the correct device resource settings (Figure 2) wyjc2.tif. If the "Resources" tab does not appear, the device is not using any resources.

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