Linux using LGOGDownloader to download GOG games skills


GOG is a foreign hot game sales website, we can buy and download popular games above, but GOG only has Windows client, Linux system wants to download GOG games what to do? Then you need to use LGOGDownloader, the following small series will introduce you to the Linux command line to download GOG games, let's get to know it.

Although the GOG client on Windows has been around for a long time, the official Linux version of the client is nowhere to be seen. So if you don't want to wait for the official official version, an unofficial open source project called LGOGDownloader will let you access your library from the command line.

Installation LGOGDownloader

In Linux for Ubuntu users, its official page recommend that you download the source code and execute:

$ sudo apt-get install build -essential libcurl4-openssl-dev liboauth-dev libjsoncpp-dev libhtmlcxx-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-date-time-dev libtinyxml-dev librhash- Dev help2man

$ tar -xvzf lgogdownloader-2.17.tar.gz

$ cd lgogdownloader-2.17

$ make release

$ sudo make install< Br>

If you are an ArchLinux user. There is an AUR package waiting for you:

Use of LGOGDownloader

Once the program is installed, you need to log in with the following command:

$ lgogdownloader --login

If you need a configuration file, it is here: ~/.config/lgogdownloader/config.cfg

After verification, you can list all the games in your library: Br>

$ lgogdownloader --list
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