Linux related use--Great God passed


View tomat process ps -ef| Grep tomcat

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Find tomcat directory find /-name tomcat This seems to be no problem, but the novice will feel very helpless, if you installed tomcat, it is estimated in Linux The reason for not finding tomcat is very simple: linux is very sensitive to case, so you have to find the tomcat directory to play like this: find /-name "*[Tt]omcat*" There will be a result in the list< Br>

ls List current files and folders

Understand “ls -l”
The first field -rwxr-xr-x contains a symbolic representation of the permissions of this particular file. The first character (-) in this field specifies the type of the file, which in this case is a regular file. Other possible first characters are: “d”directory&lquo;l”symbolic link"c”character specific device file“b”block specialized device file“p”first in, first out“s”socket three Triad rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19103658 5 chain? 4 2011 The rest of this field consists of three triplet characters. The first ternary character group represents the permissions of the file owner, the second represents the permissions of the group of files, and the third represents the permissions of all other users: "rw-""r--""r --"

netstat -net List Active Internet connections (w/o servers) List the number of active internet connections, you can see the process occupied by tomcat

View the current java memory situation jstat - Gcutil 1942 View java process 1942 Memory condition

S0 S1 EOP YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT 0.05 0.00 2.04 1.28 9.91 170 0.187 338 1.314 1.501

E elden uses space ratio, O old area Space ratio YGC ygc collection times, YGCT ygc collection time spent FGC fgc time

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