Compile USB wireless network card driver based on rtl8188cu control chip under linux


Because of the needs of the experiment, I need to add the wifi function in the embedded linux environment. Through online research, I choose the Mercury NW150UM wireless USB network card based on the rtl8188cu control chip. Now I can simply record the configuration process.

1.Download the latest rtl8188cu linux driver:

Download page: ftp://WebUser:[email protected]/cn/wlan/< Br>

2. Unzip the downloaded file and add the driver file rtl8192_8188CU_linux_xxx.tar.gz (xxx is the version number) to the kernel tree to be compiled.

(1) Assume your kernel location For /root/linux-kernel, extract the driver file and change the unzipped driver folder name to rtl8192cu.

(2) Copy the modified name driver folder rtl8192cu to /root/linux-kernel/drivers/net/wireless/.

(3) Modify the Makefile and Kconfig files under /root/linux-kernel/drivers/net/wireless/, add obj -$(CONFIG_RTL8192CU) += rtl8192cu/to the Makefile, and add source " under Kconfig ;drivers/net/wireless/rtl8192cu/Kconfig".

(4) make menuconfig configure the kernel, select 8192cu under Device Drivers/Network device support/Wireless LAN, compile the kernel.

(5) If you encounter error: 'struct net_device' has no member named 'wireless_handlers' error, please see the operation of this step.

After checking the data, it is found that the CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT option is not selected when the kernel is compiled. After selecting this option, recompile the kernel image or module to correct the error.

3. Configure the wireless network card in the command line:

(1) iwconfig View the current wireless network card device, assuming your wireless network card device is wlan1

(2) Set the AP information of the wireless network card

Add the AP account name, AP login password iwconfig essid "AP-Name" key 1234-5678-90ab (the password is every four groups, separated by a dash)

(3) Start the wireless network card

ifconfig wlan1 up

(4) Set the IP address of the wireless network card

If the IP address of your wireless network card is static Set ifconfig wlan1 netmask

If your wireless network card's IP address is dynamically obtained by dhclient wlan1 or dhcpcd wlan1 dynamically get the IP of the wireless network card

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