What is Driver Signature


Driver Signature, also known as the driver's digital signature, is done by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Device Quality Lab. The hardware developer hands the hardware device and the corresponding driver to the lab, which is tested by the lab. After the test is passed, the lab will add a digital signature to its driver. Since the digital signature is done by Microsoft, the user's use of a digitally signed driver will have the following benefits:

Security As the digital signature is performed for all software for the entire driver, the signature is completed. Any subsequent changes to the driver will invalidate the signature, which avoids the possibility of adding malicious code to the driver to spread malicious programs such as viruses.

Quality Assurance As mentioned above, any driver can only be digitally signed by a test from the Microsoft Quality Lab, ensuring that drivers with digital signatures are of good quality.

Easy to install When installing the driver, if the driver is using a digital signature, the ghost win7 system will be installed directly. If there is no digital signature, it can be installed and used, but it will be a lot of trouble.

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