Did not receive the win10 upgrade prompt solution

A few days ago, the official version of Win10 began to push, but, I believe many people and Xiaobian, did not receive the win10 upgrade push notification. I saw a lot of netizens and I was anxious not to receive the win10 scheduled push. The following small series teaches everyone a solution, suitable for win7 and win8 systems.
First of all, win10 push did not receive the problem of eliminating the network burden and pushing batches. Then proceed to the following.
Windows 10 upgrade notification is implemented through a patch numbered KB3035583, which can open additional Windows Update update notifications on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 systems, so if not received The upgrade notification first goes to the next KB3035583 patch and then restarts the computer.
First determine if your system has the KB3035583 patch installed (if it is installed, go directly to step 3)
1: Open the administrator mode command prompt and enter the following command: dism /online /Get-Packages /Format:Table| Findstr 3035583 and press Enter

2: The command prompt will show if you have installed the KB3035583 patch, as indicated in the red part above. If it is not installed, go to Control Panel – check for updates in Windows Update.

3: If you have installed the KB3035583 patch, but still have not received the Windows 10 upgrade prompt, refer to step one, open the administrator mode command prompt, enter the following command to enter: %windir%system32GWXGWXConfigManager.exe /RefreshConfig&ping"nul&%windir%system32GWXGWX.exe
4: If the GWX upgrade notification program starts successfully, there will be a Windows icon in the lower right corner of the system. Click the icon to see the upgrade. At the same time you can also see the gwx program in the system installation disk WindowsSystem32.

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