Win10 can not open VS2010 prompts can not find rcdll.dll how to solve?


Visual Studio is a very useful development tool from Microsoft. But when you open Visual Studio under Win10 system, sometimes rcdll.dll will be prompted, and editing resources will not display properly. This problem can be fixed through the registry. Let's take a look together.

as follows:

1, open the registry editor (regedit) to at Win10

2, found in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER /Software /Microsoft /Microsoft SDKs

3, see if there is no windows item, if not created, if there are the following two items in the windows item, modify the following example, if you do not create the following two items and set the corresponding value:

X86 Systems:


<;CurrentInstallFolder”=“C:\\Program Files//Microsoft SDKs//Windows //v7.0A//”

X64 System:


“CurrentInstallFolder”=“C: //Program Files (x86)//Microsoft SDKs//Windows//v7.0A//”

4, finally quit the registry editor, re-open VS2010 troubleshooting.

Win10 can not open VS2010 prompts can not find all the rcdll.dll how to solve, as long as the new registry key, you can properly adapt to Visual Studio2010 under Win10 system.

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