Explain why the WIN7 system runs slowly when it starts up

        Friends who use the WIN7 system should feel that the startup speed is very slow. What is the reason why the Win7 system runs very slowly when it starts the program for the first time? Let me explain this to you in the small series here. Why

start the program for the first time will feel slow?

believe we have had a similar experience. When I boot up, the first time I run a program, for example, Word, it may take 5 seconds to start. When I turn it off and then turn it on, it may take only 2 seconds. If I don't close it, just open another Word file, it's faster.

This is what causes it?

When we start, there is no set work the employee Word (page), he is also at home (HDD) inside. So when I summoned him, it went from home to the office (working set). This process is called hard paging, and of course it takes a long time. When we closed Word, he was sent to another room in the building, but I immediately summoned him again. At this time, the data in the other room has not been cleared, so he does not have to come from home. It is straightforward to introduce directly from the data structure. When you don't close the program Word, he doesn't have to make way for other programs. It still exists in the office (working set), and it will be faster when he summons him. This process of re-attaching the data in the data structure to the working set without re-invoking the data from the hard disk is called soft paging. Everyone knows that the memory speed is much faster than the hard disk, so the use of soft-tuning pages is the reason why the second time the program is running very fast.

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