Play Win8/Win8.1 screenshot: one key to zero /automatically save the desktop


How to take a full-screen screenshot under Windows?

For the average user, the most common method is to use the PrintScreen button to complete a full-screen screenshot with the help of drawing. If you are a Win8/Win8.1 user, use Win+PrintScreen directly to automatically save the full screen screenshot in the current system “ screenshots & rdquo; folder. However, many users want to achieve one-click zeroing and automatically save the desktop.

Below, we will organize related graphic tutorials for Win8 fans.

First, how to achieve Win8/Win8.1 screenshots & ldquo; one key to zero & rdquo;? (ie the screenshot name starts counting from 1)

The operation is as follows:

1. Right click on the start button, open the run window, or use the Win+R key combination

2. Enter rgedit, open the Registry Editor

3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer

4. Select Explorer and change the ScreenshotIndex value on the right to 1. , the restart takes effect.

Reminder: In addition, we can also use the registry import function to achieve "one-click zeroing". Note: This registry supports reuse.

Using Notepad, create a new ”Win8 screenshot.reg “ registry file, enter the following to save the effect.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





"UserSignedIn"=dword:00000001< Br>


"LastClockSize"=hex:2d,00,00,00,11,00,00,00,42,00,00,00, 11,00,00,00,32,00,00,\\






▲Import Win8 screenshot.reg registration Table

Second, how to achieve Win8/Win8.1 screenshots automatically save the current system desktop?

At this time, we need to use the mklink command that comes with Win8 to implement the system directory soft link, that is, the original picture\\screenshot directory is assigned to the system desktop directory.

▲Full-screen screenshots are saved to Win8 image library\\screenshot directory by default

Operation is as follows

1. First delete Win8/Win8.1 system built-in image library\\screenshot Folder

2. Right-click the Start button and open the command prompt (Administrator)

3. Enter the following command format:

mklink /j "C:\\ Users\\current username\\Pictures\\Screenshots" C:\\Users\\current username\\Desktop

If the current Win8.1 username is named, enter mklink /j "C:\\Users\\\\Pictures\\ Screenshots" C:\\Users\\\\Desktop

4. At this time, the default screenshot of Win8/Win8.1 system is redirected to the system desktop

Now, we can use Win+PrintScreen. Automatically save full-screen screenshots to your current desktop.

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